Monday, September 17, 2012

In order to write, do something other than writing

You know that saying, "Cluttered house, cluttered mind?" I've learned over the years that it's definitely true. I had serious writer's block last week. Nothing was coming; reading wasn't helping, playing wasn't helping, nothing. So as I was contemplating what to try next, I sat and looked around the room. And what I saw was STUFF EVERYWHERE! Books piling up, papers needing to be thrown away, products needing to be sorted--stuff was everywhere. And I said to myself, "Jackie, no wonder you can't write anything, you don't have a clear environment in which creativity can flow. So, I got to cleaning. And boy, did I clean.

I organized my books, weeding out the ones I can sell or give away. I reordered the file cabinets, filling two paper bags with old articles and magazines that had long lost their usefulness. While I was at it, I thinned out my DVD collection and most of those summer clothes that I didn't wear once this summer. Whew!

And during that whole "clearing out" time (about four to five hours), I stopped on three different occasions to jot down three new ideas that came to me. Now that's breaking through writer's block.

Do you have an area that's begging to be cleaned out and put in order? How about the car? Laundry room? Garage? You don't have to do the whole room, just pick a small section, even one wall. It doesn't take much. Often, the best writing ideas come when you're not writing.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Take A Deep Breath and Dive In

Now, you could be thinking, "Okay, she conquered her fear and learned how to tread water." On the one hand, you'd be correct. I did go to my swim class and learned the technique for treading water. I have to put in some more practice to get it right, but I know the basics. On the other hand, I'm talking about my manuscript. I've revised again (can't remember what number I'm up to), thanks to the many great inputs from my critique group buddies, and I submitted my query letter, synopsis and first 10 pages to an agent who requested the materials. I had to just take a deep breath and dive in (in this case, hit the "send" button!).

I did it. My finger wasn't shaking as bad as I thought it might. I proofed my work, spell checked it and didn't see any glaring mistakes. I double checked my contact information to make sure everything was there that the agent might need, just in case they happen to request to see more. It could happen, right? Right?

Anyway, it's sent and now the waiting begins. And, as they say, while you wait...write! Keep writing and then write some more. Because if not this book, then maybe the next one, or two. Just keep breathing and dive right in to your next great story.